Translation missing: en.About: About

At My Child HQ most of us are parents. In fact, we have 35 children, 3 stepchildren and 22 grandchildren between us (not to mention all our tiny nieces, nephews and siblings), so we’ve had plenty of practice raising little ones!

20 years of nursery design

We understand that what suits one family doesn’t necessarily suit them all. With this in mind, we’ve used our personal parenting expertise plus over 20 years of nursery design and technical know-how to create a varied range of products that offer smart solutions for modern families.

All aspects considered

When we design and develop a new product we consider all aspects of a child’s development and how the product will help you and your child learn and grow together.

Enjoy browsing

We hope you enjoy browsing our latest range. We’ve tried to provide all the info you’ll need to help you make a choice about which My Child products suit your life best. If you have any queries, suggestions or ideas about our products please get in touch via feedback at our contact page.